ISO-NE is the Regional Transmission Organization (RTO) which organizes electricity to much of New England. You see that tiny slice of Maine in the north east that is not covered by ISO-NE? That is Northern Maine Independent System Administrator (NMISA)
Maine makes up approximately 10% of the ISO-NE load.
2021 Land Based Wind Market Report - page 17
In mid February 2024, ISO-NE released its 2050 Transmission Planning Study.
Some items of interest:
The plan for resource mix doesn’t include much onshore wind.
There is only one new transmission line “required” for grid reliability in Maine - it goes from Pownal to Hampton:
This is Pownal to Hampton as the crow flies. Not an actual route.
2050 load levels planned to be a bit over 2x current.
That’s going to cost a lot of money.